Its been a few days since I’ve written here. I just didn’t have anything to say. I was out of stuff to talk about.

But its been feeling empty again. What is feeling empty? you ask, everything. Everything has been feeling empty and there is no reason for it to feel like that, or maybe there is, I dont know, I dont know enough about my brain to determine that.

It just feels like something is missing, something that ive always been doing, but I’ve stopped suddenly. I have no idea what that thing is honestly.

It feels like Ive always had a hold on things and now I dont anymore. Everything seems to be slipping away even though nothing that dramatic is happening. Nothing is slipping away, It just feels like something is.

I never know how long am I supposed to write these things. Is like 4 lines enough? Do I need a few pages for every blogpost. Im overthinking this again, lmao. I need to stop.

In times like these it seems like there is noone to talk to. But it just feels like that cause talking to someone real about this feels like a burden. You’re fine, you’re as imaginary as it gets.

Must be nice just sitting on the sidelines reading this little world of mine go by, affecting me so much yet having no impact on you. Well, that really depends on who’s reading this doesnt it. Is it someone i know? It is someone random? or is it just me in the future reading this and cringing at the fact that i wrote this instead of doing the right thing. The right thing which i will probably know in the future but have no idea about right now.

I read that back and its so fucking confusing i dont even know how to write it right. Well, i do know, I just dont want to. i want this blog to be a constant stream of thoughts. A window to this point in my life. A little peek behind the curtain. behind the show that i put on for my classmates, my friends or even my family.

Everything is always fine, Everything is always going good, until it suddenly isn’t and there is no rhyme or reason to it.
